Gas Line Repairs and Maintenance


When it comes to repairing gas lines leaks, it’s important to make sure everything is in perfect working order for both safety and efficiency reasons. Although relatively safe and very efficient, consumers of natural gas should be aware of possible hazards to better protect their homes and families.

Preventing gas leaks in the home is as easy as scheduling annual gas line inspections and ensuring proper installation of natural gas lines by licensed professionals, like the plumbing experts at Richie’s Plumbings.

Aging gas lines may need repairs or replacement. Your gas lines require regular maintenance to ensure optimum use. Continuous use, improper installation, environmental factors, and more can cause pipes to rust, break, or crack. When it comes to gas line repairs, you do not want to trust just anyone.


We understand that a gas leak is a serious situation and we have plumbers certified in gas line repair or replacement available 24-hours a day. If your gas has been turned off by the gas company, due to a leak or if you have had the service off for at least six months, you will be required to have an inspection with the city or parish code enforcement. Remember, that gas lines and gas appliances will have to be brought up too today's codes.

Call us any time for gas line repairs or an annual inspection, 504-241-1556