Common Plumbing Problems in an Older Home

New Orleans is known for our historic homes and the charm of an older home can include outdated plumbing problems. Here are a few things to be aware of when you live in an older home. 

Old Pipe Materials

Today’s materials are much safer, and less prone to decay. Any home built prior to the 1990s might be hiding pipes made from materials that are no longer approved by building codes. Lead is one of the oldest, and most dangerous, materials used in piping. Galvanized pipes are made of iron and coated with a layer of zinc. Over time, this layer erodes, leaving the pipes extremely vulnerable to corrosion, leaks, and breakage. Galvanized pipes are commonly seen in homes that were built prior to the 1960s. Sometimes, galvanized pipes last 60+ years, but most of them rust and begin to fall apart long before reaching that milestone.

Old Fixtures and Connections

Years of wear and tear and corrosion can lead to leaks, restricted water flow, broken or difficult to turn knobs, and more. You will want to replace faulty fixtures before they cause a plumbing disaster.

Potentially Difficult Repairs

Even the most routine plumbing jobs can turn into something more than expected. Communicate with your plumber before the job to discuss the history of the home or evaluate the what could be unexpected.

Outdated Drain Technology

Older drain and waste systems relied heavily on gravity to ensure proper drainage. This system may have worked well enough when the home was new, but homes settle over time, creating sharper dips in the piping where there weren’t any before. These dips are known as “pipe bellies”, and they can result in sewer odors, slow drains, and frequent clogs. 

Questionable Repair History

In an era before professional and licensed plumbers, many DIY repairs were done either by the homeowner, or by a local handyman. Everything from unsecured pipes to fixtures installed backwards and improperly sloped showers to haphazard pipework could end up costing you a significant amount to repair.

We love our old homes in New Orleans, and the professionals at Richie’s Plumbing has experience to help with all your plumbing needs. Contact us if you have questions or problems so you can spend more time enjoying your home, and less time battling with frustrating plumbing problems.
